• Craniosacral Balancing Workshop

Learn Craniosacral Balancing

A Miraculous Hands-On Healing Technique

Meru Mantra, a renowned mind and body healing organization, announces comprehensive training program in Craniosacral Balancing by Dr Sandeep Bhasin.

An innovative form of alternative treatment, Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is used to balance the craniosacral rhythm and release unwanted tensions from the body. This process helps to relieve pain besides facilitating complete body healing. CST traces its origin to the 19th century with Andrew Taylor Still devising the system of osteopathic medicine. After Still, William G Sutherland deserves credit for further developing this technique and extending it into cranial osteopathy.

Over the years, CST has undergone major revolutions. Today, it is a gentle healing method, having strong positive effect on human mind and body. The treatment works with flow of energy inside our body and manifests it into our fluids and tissues.

Coming Workshops & Free Talks

Important Information about this Workshop
Date: 5th, 6th and 7th April 2019
Time: 9:30 am to 5 pm
Venue: E - 34, Kalkaji, New Delhi
Energy Exchange: Rs. 15,000
Prior Registration is Mandatory

To know more, call 9910682412 or 9311444806
Visit www.merumantra.com Now!!

The Process of Craniosacral Balancing

At first, customer is made to lie down on a massage table. Then, the massager applies delicate touch to perceive the route of energy flow throughout the body. Normally, this energy is felt in the tissues. It is Primary Respiration through which the energy flows in and out of our body. As the practitioner applies pressure on certain points, customers experience a deep sense of relaxation and unwinding.

The initial feeling of Primary Respiration is the upward and external flow of energy. Thereafter, the balloon of energy retreats to the body and can be felt in midline. The overall feeling is similar to Oceanic waves, first hitting and then receding from the shore.

When the practitioner tunes into Primary Respiration the Clients body starts release held stress and trauma.

The primary skill in Craniosacral Balancing is to regulate the:

  • Energetic flows and rhythms
  • Rhythmic Pulsation of Craniosacral System
  • Tone of Central Nervous and Cardiovascular System.

All throughout the treatment, the therapist tries to sense the different rhythms occurring in the individual’s body. Simultaneously, he/she promotes mental well being and peacefulness within the person. After a series of sessions, both body and mind begins to calm down. All disturbances, tensions and negative feeling get released.

How it Works?

  • Stress starts relieving from body through deepening of breath
  • loosening of muscles
  • Feeling of tingling and vibrations in feet and hands.
  • In the next stage, customers release suppressed emotions and
  • Experience minor jerks in body.
  • Finally, a sense of deep relaxation sets in the mind.
  • This is the stage when the energy field has attained maximum expansion and positive energy has reached to all the veins and tissues of the body.
  • Craniosacral Balancing allows a complete discharge of Sympathetic charge.
  • This charge causes the stress response to be carried in the body for a long time even after the cause of stress has been successfully removed.

The stand-apart feature of this treatment is the application of a gentle, skilful and empathetic touch while engaging into little conversation. In the course of communication, both the customer and the Practitioner enter into a world of deep symphony and resonance. The ultimate objective is to talk, touch empathetically and release all psychological and mental garbage from mind and body.

In course of the procedure, the therapist gives a patient hearing to all the sensations taking place in the body. He then tries to establish a natural balance between mind and body. It imparts a feeling of ultimate relaxation while stimulating all the healing forces present in the body.

After this, the practitioner assists Primary Respiration (PR) to find a new balance between body’s healthy resources and any restrictions which might be held in its tissues. In this way, the body can heal itself and the potency of the fluids can permeate all the cells and organs once again. Finally, the practitioner supports the PR system through hands while verbally guiding the customer to create more space and establish new spheres of balance.

What conditions are most benefitted from Craniosacral balancing?

Craniosacral Balancing is very helpful in relaxing the body besides balancing our autonomic nervous system. It has been found useful in curing

  • Headaches
  • Migraine
  • Stress
  • Muscular aches, cramps and pains
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Emotional Traumas
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Insomnia
  • Psychological Woes
  • Mental Pain & Instability

What will be taught in This Workshop?

This workshop is designed by Dr Sandeep Bhasin, a Craniosacral Balancing expert. The main inspiration behind the workshop is Dr Jhon Upledger, another renowned practitioner in this field.

10 Step Protocol of Bio Mechanical Craniosacral Balancing and Biodynamic approach of Craniosacral Balancing:

The workshop is a perfect integration of the Biomechanical and Biodynamic School of Craniosacral Balancing.

Biomechanical approach of Dr John Up ledger is ideal for healing stressed tissues, fascias and muscles. It delivers productive solutions for physical problems like back ache, muscular cramps and related woes.

Biodynamic approach deals more with the Primary Respiration or Flow of Energy Fields and Fluids or Bio-Energy surrounding the body. It is very effective for promoting deeper relaxation, releasing all types of traumas and reducing stress and negative energy.

So, integration of two schools is more useful for delivering best possible results to our clients.

The Topics Covered in this workshop would be:
  • Learning to attune into the Craniosacral Rhythm
  • Understanding the areas where the rhythm is restricted
  • Inducing still points in candidate’s body for releasing stress
  • Balanced State of Awareness
  • Primary Respiration

10 step Protocol of Dr John Upledger:
  • Zone A and Zone B from Michael Shea to release traumas in Psychic body
  • Introduction to Human Anatomy (portion related to Craniosacral System only)

Who can benefit from this workshop?

This workshop can be taken by anyone interested in mastering this unique art of hands-on healing. You’ll learn new skills on how to relax and heal your clients. The workshop is recommended for:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Energy healers
  • Physicians
  • Body Workers
  • Parents of Children looking for ways to calm down kids, relax them and enhance their learning abilities
  • Psychotherapists
  • Self Improvement Seekers
  • Anyone enthusiastic about exploring Body Mind Healing

Benefits of this Workshop:

  • Take your healing abilities to the next level
  • Have practical experience
  • Bring visible change in the lives of your customers
  • Use the power of gentle human touch to heal and cure mind
  • Get rid of chronic problems like migraine, backache, immunity disorders and Psychosomatic disease
  • Release stress, tensions and anxiety
  • Get rid of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Today, efficient and experienced practitioners charge Rs 2000 per session of Craniosacral Balancing. By mastering this art, you can become a successful Craniosacral Balancing therapist and earn Rs 30,000 or more per month.

If you can do 200 verified Craniosacral Healings, the doors of Meru Mantra shall open for you. You can become a registered Therapist and work with us. We shall provide you clients and space on sharing basis.

By attending this workshop, you also become eligible for 10 % discount in all our upcoming workshops at Meru Mantra and you will receive invitation to various Free Body Mind Training Programmes organized by Meru Mantra

How is Craniosacral balancing different from Reiki, Panic Healing and other Energy Therapies?

Craniosacral Balancing is a highly refined and advanced work of body and mind. Here, we not only focus on energy but also attune it into the muscles, fascias, tissues, Nervous system and Cardio Vascular System. Detailed knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology, and Embryology is required for conducting efficient Craniosacral Balancing.

Further, Craniosacral Balancing training is extremely exhaustive. It works on multiple layers of human mind and its effects penetrate deep inside the body. Latest studies on Trauma Release and the Science of Stress Reduction prove worthwhile in the procedure.

Contrary to this, all other therapies like Reiki, Panic Healing and others only deal with the physical energy of the body. It overlooks the spiritual energy and emotional imbalance, leaving a superficial effect on the body and mind.

About Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

Dr Sandeep Bhasin is a Cosmetic Surgeon, having deeper interest in Body Mind Medicine. He has been trained in both Biomechanical Craniosacral and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (2years). He conducts regular workshops in Craniosacral Balancing and Trauma Release.

Craniosacral Talk
Practioners Fulcrum
Respiratory Diaphragm and Coeliac Plexus
Sympathetic and Psoas Meditation
Zone A - Zone B Meditation
Soul Retrieval
